The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder tells the story of her family surviving a horrific 8-mongh-long ordeal of blizzards, deprivation, and isolation in the winter of 1880-1881 on the sparsely inhabited Dakota Territory. Their story is one of perseverance and hope. These are feelings we can all relate to, perhaps now more than ever: dealing with uncertainty, social isolation, and anxiety about the future. And the lessons are just as true as ever: have faith, have hope, and ask for help when you need it.
Lessons Learned from
The Hard Winter
In a special shortened presentation made just for children, Mrs. Wilder will not only read from her books stories about her childhood pets, viewers will be able to meet her beloved cat, Black Susan!
Learn more about Laura Ingalls Wilder here
StoryTime with
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Do you know Laura Ingalls Wilder? Not the girl from the books, and not the woman from the television – this is the real Laura Wilder. In this presentation, you will hear the real history of Laura Ingalls Wilder, and discover the times, places, and people who inspired her wonderful books. The beloved Little House books are based on Laura’s life, but they are fiction. This program explores the real life of Laura Ingalls Wilder with all its hardships and tragedies. (Due to the seriousness of the subject matter, this program is most appropriate for ages 10 and older).
Laura Ingalls Wilder:
The Real Story
Ever wonder what it was like to start teaching school at 15 years of age, to students older than yourself, out on the edge of the frozen prairie? Learn how
Laura Ingalls survived this trying ordeal.
Learn more about Laura Ingalls Wilder here